
Frequently asked questions


“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” 
Bruce Lee

what would you like to know?

Transparence is paramount to us here at Social Systems Lab, and sharing is caring. Though some meetings and some information is best kept private in any serious business, we really do our best to play the game without keeping our cards to our chest. As we progress, we’ll increase the access the members of our plaforms have have to our daily communications and all financial transactions will be a matter of public record. But for now, we hope you’ll accept these answers to frequently asked questions as a first offering. 

Did we miss something important? The send us a question and we’ll add it to the list!


Tell me more

You are probably wondering why you should hitch your cart behind our horse? Well, mainly because it’s not really our horse. It’s just as much your horse. In fact, it’s everyone’s horse.

A: Awesome—keep going with that. But if there’s overlap or a chance to collaborate, let’s talk. Circles, our flagship project, isn’t just our project—it’s designed for new developers, designers, and dreamers to take over. So, your project might just become the project. No pressure.

A: SSL is a limited-profit company, fully owned by the Social Systems Foundation. You can read more about the foundation here.

A: Through the Social Systems Foundation and donors. But our long-term plan? To fund everything through the very tools we create. A self-sustaining ecosystem powered by the people—just the way it should be.

A: That’s the idea. If your code, designs, or ideas are solid, they’ll be part of our toolkit, which is aimed at real-world impact. The more value you bring, the more likely it is to ripple out into the world.

A: We’re here to build the Operating System for Human Civilization—no biggie. We want to create open-source versions of major proprietary tools and make them better. Ultimately, we aim to fund the commons through the Altruistic Wallet ecosystem. Where we end up? That’s up to humanity, but we’re betting on people being decent.

A: No ads, no manipulative algorithms, no proprietary code. Just decentralized, open-source platforms designed to empower communities—not profit margins.

A: Open-source is non-negotiable for us. All our work is transparent, freely available, and built for the community, by the community.

A: Fair question. We’re not here to build tech for tech’s sake. Everything we create is designed to have real-world impact, grounded in practicality. We’re not trying to “disrupt” for the buzz—we’re here to build systems that actually work and empower communities, without selling out to profit margins or gimmicks.

A: Centralized systems are slow, limiting, and prone to corruption. Decentralization lets communities govern themselves, grow, and adapt to challenges—just like nature intended.

A: It’s only a buzzword if you’re not serious about it. Our platforms are open-source and designed to let users control their data and decisions. No central authority, no hidden levers. Though arriving at full decentralization is going to take us some time still, it is baked into the DNA of everything we build. Far from just a marketing ploy, it is one of the basic principles that will govern the future OS we envision. In fact, self-sovereignity is fundamental for its very existence. 

A: We believe in self-sovereignty. That means you control your own data—no central authority, no exploitation. It’s your data, your rules.

A: No catch. We’re a limited-profit company, and our model relies on self-sustaining ecosystems, not ads or selling your data. Revenue comes from the users who benefit from the tools we build—creating a cycle where value feeds back into development, not into someone’s pocket

A: Jump in. Whether it’s contributing code, giving feedback, or spreading the word, there’s always room for changemakers. Ready to join? Let’s make it happen.

A: The Altruistic Wallet allows users to contribute time, money, or resources to community projects. It’s designed to build a self-sustaining ecosystem where everyone can invest in the commons and get something valuable in return.

A: We’re constantly evolving. From community matchmaking to resource allocation and beyond, our tools are laying the foundation for the future. Want to Participate?